Category Reduced Mobility Advice

Find expert advice and practical tips on managing reduced mobility. Learn about mobility aids, home adaptations, and solutions to enhance daily living and independence.

What to Know About Bath Lifts?

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Bath lifts are designed to provide confidence for those who have difficulty getting into and out of the bath. Furthermore, a bath lifter can help maintain and maximise your independence, promote dignity and may help reduce the reliance on family…

Read About Single-Handed Care

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The current situation Mr Jones is a 60-year-old gentleman admitted to the hospital following a fall. He has had a number of falls in the last six months, following a steady decline in his overall mobility. Mr Jones has a…

The Occupational Therapist (OT) Perspective

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An occupational therapist (OT) helps people of all ages overcome challenges completing everyday tasks or activities – what we call ‘occupations’. Occupational therapists (OT) perspective see’s beyond diagnoses and limitations to hopes and aspirations. They look at relationships between your…